Exhibition at .HBC Berlin

I was part of the groupshow e`clepsydre which took place at .HBC Berlin on Saturday June 26, 2010.
Earth will kill you…
Dimensions: variable
Material: metal, coins, puppets, lemons, candle, fire, circuit board, LED, cable clips, desk, loudspeakers, stand
“Earth will kill you…” is a homage to one of Joseph Beuys multiples called “Capri Battery” from 1985. “Capri Battery” is a yellow lightbulb in a portable socket that is plugged into a lemon. In my reinterpretation you will find two systems which are connected but separated from each other. One system stands for the fact that man takes the earth’s raw materials and transforms them into the requirements of his life. He must seize nature and use it to his advantage or he will die. The other system produces electricity by different sorts of metal and the acid of lemons through a ecological process and is considered as a more modern metaphor for the ecological balance of modern civilization. The whole setting suggests that a marriage of art, science, and nature can nourish and heal an ailing culture (or individual) with an almost magical energy.
Photos from the installation
Video documentation