Teaching at CODE University of Applied Sciences Berlin
I am looking very much forward to give some lectures at the CODE University of Applied Sciences Berlin. During the upcoming semester I will teach two classes within the ‚Interaction Design‘ course program.
Course Descriptions
Intro Sound Design
Sound Design is about more than music. This programme is targeted at individuals interested in exploring the domain of sound in a wider context. It will provide you with knowledge and understanding in a range of sound design situations both commercial and experimental. It is strongly interdisciplinary and course content ranges from the study of film sound to interactive audio design, from sound art to sound branding, acoustic design and functional sounds.
Creative Sound Coding
SuperCollider is one of the most powerful programming environments for real time sound synthesis and processing, algorithmic & generative composition, and many other audio related applications. It is widely used by artists and scientists alike for both research and actual artistic creation. It features a powerful state-of-the-art sound engine and an easy to learn, fully featured object oriented language. Moreover, it is open source and totally free of charge. SuperCollider works on Linux, Mac, and Windows.
This introductory workshop welcomes participants of any discipline with or without prior programming or musical experience. First of all, we will have a look into SuperCollider and how it compares to other programming environments such as Pd and Max/MSP. Besides getting a basic understanding of real time sound synthesis and processing, we will also make use of some basic built-in sensors, like microphone and computer mouse, as an input for interacting with sound. By the end of the workshop participants will be able to understand how to boot and run the system, understand some of the basics of digital audio and signal processing, write recipes for sound synthesis and streams for algorithmic composition. You may use your own laptop during the workshop (macOS if possible).